
15+ Short and Long Moral, Inspiring Story for Kids


Moral stories have been used as a powerful tool to teach children about important values and lessons for centuries. Through stories, children learn about empathy, kindness, respect, honesty, and other essential values that shape their character and behavior. Reading moral stories to kids not only provides an enjoyable activity but also instills valuable lessons that can stay with them for life.

In this blog post, we will explore the importance of teaching kids moral values through stories, provide examples of well-known moral stories, and offer tips for parents and educators to engage children while reading moral stories.

Additionally, we will provide guidelines for kids who want to write their own moral stories, promoting creativity and imagination while instilling important values. Join us as we explore the world of moral stories and how they can positively impact children’s lives.

New Moral Story for Kids

Some More Moral Stories for Kids

Story No.Story Title
1.The Humorous Adventures of Akbar and Birbal
2.A Tale of Bravery and Friendship
3.The Magical Mango Tree
4.The Brave Little Rabbit and the Cunning Snake
5.The Family of Animals: Building Together for a Brighter Future
6.The Mysterious Cave – Moral Story
7.The Archery Quest: Lessons from the Story of Arjun
8.Dreams and Dedication: The Journey of a Farmer with Magic Seeds
9.The Curious Kitten: A Mischievous Adventure
10. The Magic Teapot: A Tale of Wishes and Gardens
11. Flight of the Hero: How Pip Saved the Day
12.The Dispute over the Land: Akbar Birbal Story
13.The Wise King Test
14. The Lion and The Mouse

What are moral stories?

Teaching kids moral values through stories is important because it helps to shape their character and behavior. Through moral stories, children learn about empathy, kindness, respect, honesty, and other important values that are essential for their personal growth and development.

Stories also provide a safe and enjoyable way for children to explore complex issues and understand the consequences of their actions. Moral stories can also help to improve children’s literacy skills and promote their creativity and imagination. By learning moral values from a young age, children are better equipped to make positive decisions and contribute positively to society as they grow up.

Purpose of Moral Stories

The purpose of moral stories is to teach children about important values and principles that shape their character and behavior. Some more purposes of moral stories are as follow.

  • Teach children important values and principles
  • Help children understand the consequences of their actions
  • Provide a safe and enjoyable way for children to explore complex issues
  • Promote empathy, kindness, respect, honesty, and other essential values
  • Improve literacy skills
  • Stimulate children’s creativity and imagination
  • Provide a relatable and engaging way to teach children about values and principles
  • Help children develop into responsible and compassionate individuals
  • Equip children with the skills to make positive decisions and contribute positively to society.

Tips for Parents and Educators

Here are some tips for parents and educators on how to use moral stories effectively

  1. Choose age-appropriate stories: Select stories that are appropriate for the child’s age and development level.
  2. Make it interactive: Ask questions and encourage children to discuss the story and its message. This can help reinforce the lessons learned and encourage critical thinking.
  3. Use props: Use props such as puppets, pictures, or drawings to make the story more engaging and interactive.
  4. Relate the story to real-life situations: Discuss how the lessons from the story can be applied to real-life situations that the child may encounter.
  5. Be consistent: Read moral stories regularly to reinforce the lessons learned and make it a habit.
  6. Use a variety of stories: Use a variety of stories from different cultures and backgrounds to expose children to a diverse range of values and perspectives.
  7. Incorporate technology: Use digital media such as e-books, audiobooks, or videos to make moral stories more accessible and engaging.
  8. Encourage creativity: Encourage children to create their own moral stories and share them with others.

By using these tips, parents and educators can help children learn valuable life lessons through moral stories in an engaging and effective way.

Final Words

Moral stories are an effective way to teach children about important values and principles that shape their character and behavior. By using stories, parents and educators can provide a safe and enjoyable way for children to explore complex issues and understand the consequences of their actions.

The use of moral stories can promote empathy, kindness, respect, honesty, and other essential values, as well as improve literacy skills and stimulate creativity and imagination. Through consistent use of moral stories, children can develop into responsible and compassionate individuals who are capable of making positive decisions and contributing positively to society.

By incorporating the tips outlined above, parents and educators can use moral stories effectively to help children learn valuable life lessons in a fun and engaging way.


Q: What are the benefits of using moral stories for children’s development?

Ans: Using moral stories can benefit children’s development by teaching them important values, promoting empathy and kindness, improving literacy skills, and stimulating creativity and imagination.

Q: How can parents and educators use moral stories effectively?

Ans: Parents and educators can use moral stories effectively by choosing age-appropriate stories, making it interactive, using props, relating the story to real-life situations, being consistent, using a variety of stories, incorporating technology, and encouraging creativity.

Q: How can children create their own moral stories?

Ans: Children can create their own moral stories by thinking about a lesson they want to teach, creating characters and a plot that convey the lesson, and using descriptive language and dialogue to engage the reader.

Tags: Story