
356+ Best and Unique WhatsApp About Lines Status


Here we have compiled and provided some of the best WhatsApp About Lines for your WhatsApp account. Just select any one of the WhatsApp About Lines from below then copy it and paste it into your WhatsApp account under your profile setting.

What is the About feature on WhatsApp?

Just like Instagram or any other social media platform, the About feature of WhatsApp is a way to write a short introduction about yourself. But most people use this feature to write their thoughts or provide a short update about their persona.

While some people use it to express their feeling and expression. The WhatsApp about section has a limit of 140 characters, so as per the limit we have provided the shortest lines for the same.

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One Word Whatsapp About Lines

Check out some one-word WhatsApp About Lines.

WhatsApp About Lines for Boys and Girls

Funny Whatsapp About Lines

Here are a few funny about section lines for WhatsApp:

Unique WhatsApp About Lines Status

1. Don’t call, just WhatsApp.

2. Available but not for you darling.

3. Holding me tight in the night.

4. On vacation with your girlfriend.

5. On Trip “Your Trip Location”.

6. Last night I had a serious discussion with myself in my dream.

7. Successful in dreams, not in reality.

8. Why you are looking at my profile?

9. Hey, are you there? I am looking for your GF.

10. Hey, are you there? I am looking for your BF.

11. Believe me, you are not amazing at all.

12. Waiting for relationship network.

13. In search of relationship network.

14. 99.9% Feelings Downloaded.

15. In different Time Zone.

16. “I’m not lazy, I’m just on energy-saving mode.”

17. “Professional napper, do not disturb.”

18. “I don’t always write a funny about section, but when I do, it’s in my WhatsApp.”

19. “I put the ‘pro’ in procrastination.”

Emotional Whatsapp About Lines

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20. “Life is too short to be serious all the time. So, if you can’t laugh at yourself, call me and I’ll laugh at you.”

21. “My hobbies include eating and complaining about being full.”

22. “I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right.”

23. “I don’t need anger management, I need people to stop making me angry.”

24. “I’m not great at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?”

25. “I’m not weird, I’m just limited edition.”

26. That’s right! you just found a limited edition.

27. That’s right! you just found a special edition.

28. Busy with making my family smile.

29. Still waiting! to connect to your network.

30. I always like food, more than shitty people.

31. Always remember: “Anger” is one word ahead to become “D+Anger”

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Cool Whatsapp About Lines

Here are a few cool about section lines for WhatsApp:

Cool Whatsapp About Lines

1. “Living my best life, one day at a time.”

2. “Life is too short to be anything but happy.”

3. “I don’t have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination.”

4. “Music is my therapy.”

5. “I’m not arguing, I’m just passionate.”

6. “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

7. “Positive vibes only.”

8. “Just a small-town girl with big dreams.”

9. “I am who I am, your approval isn’t needed.”

10. “I’m not perfect, but I’m always improving.”

11. “Life is short, make every chat count.”

12. “Dream big, chat bigger.”

13. “Live, laugh, chat.”

14. “I’m not online, I’m just in a committed relationship with my WhatsApp.”

15. “WhatsApp: Where words become magic.”

16. “Chats and smiles make the world go round.”

17. “I’m fluent in WhatsApp emojis.”

18. “Chatting is my cardio.”

19. “Keep calm and WhatsApp on.”

20. “Behind every great chat, there’s a great conversation.”

21. “If chatting were an Olympic sport, I’d be a gold medalist.”

22. “Chatting is my happy place.”

Beautiful Whatsapp About Lines

23. “WhatsApp: Connecting hearts, one message at a time.”

24. “I don’t need a therapist; I have WhatsApp.”

25. “Chatting: the art of saying everything without saying anything.”

26. “In a world full of texts, be a WhatsApp.”

27. “Silence speaks volumes, but WhatsApp speaks louder.”

28. “Chatting is the secret ingredient to my happiness.”

29. “Happiness is a full battery and an interesting WhatsApp chat.”

30. “My chat game is on point.”

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Best Whatsapp About Lines on Love

Showing love, care, and emotion to your loved ones is the best thing to do for them. Just select any lines from below and paste them to WhatsApp about.

Whatsapp About Lines on Love

1. My playlist depends on my mood.

2. Do me a favor, please smile!

3. My playlist is enough to tell my story.

4. The playlist & feelings are proportionate.

5. The playlist & emotions are proportionate.

6. The last one will stay, even in the worst situation.

7. Never look for a rich partner, first rich yourself.

8. More often the person who breaks your heart will try to come back.

9. Fall in love with inner beauty, rather than falling for someone beautiful.

10. Fall for Inner beauty, not for outer beauty.

11. Garnish your soul with love and hope!

12. Whatever the situation is the right one will always stay by your side.

13. Smile! Because you look amazing when you do that.

14. I am so scared to lose you.

Whatsapp About Lines Quotes for Boys and Girls

15. I fixed you, you broke me.

16. Philophobia: A person having fear of love.

17. Memories are forever, not people.

18. Really! forgetting me is so easy?

19. Sometimes, trusting people is the scariest thing to be experienced.

20. Our happiest moments are now making me sad now.

21. Yeah! changes are painful but it’s a necessity.

22. Dependency and Pain are proportionate.

23. Your presence is enough to be relaxed!

24. One unexpected message is enough to change your mood.

25. Never apologize for loving someone.

WhatsApp About Lines on Friendship and Family

26. Never apologize for following your dreams.

27. Never apologize for your priorities.

28. Never apologize for a Toxic Relationship.

29. Never apologize for telling the truth.

30. Never apologize for your imperfection.

31. Stop being tried to be liked by everyone.

32. I will make you believe love exists, I will also make you believe it’s rare.

33. I express because concealing it makes it heavier for me.

34. Usually, the pillow soaked all the pain, that the eyes could not hold anymore.

34. I think I want to be in love with you, but I don’t know how!

35. When you think of love, do you ever think of pain?

36. I take great care of myself by carefully shutting myself away.

Best Whatsapp About Lines on Emotion

Here are some WhatsApp about section lines related to emotions that you might find interesting:

Best Whatsapp About Lines on Love

1. Love is the answer to everything in life, and I believe it with all my heart.

2. When love is true, it finds a way.

3. “Emotions are like waves, they come and go. Learn to ride them.”

4. “The only way to deal with emotions is to feel them.”

5. “I’m a mix of sweet and savage.”

6. “Strong emotions are like wildfires, they can either destroy you or fuel your growth.”

7. “I’m not good at expressing emotions, but I’m working on it.”

8. “Happiness is an inside job.”

9. “I may be a little emotional, but that’s just because I care too much.”

10. “It’s okay to feel lost sometimes. You just have to find your way back.”

11. “Emotions are the colors of life.”

12. “The most authentic thing about us is our emotions.”

13. In a world full of chaos, you are my peace, my love.

14. True love stories never have endings.

15. You can’t blame gravity for falling in love. – Albert Einstein

16. Love is not about finding the right person, but about creating the right relationship.

17. I loved you yesterday, I love you still, I always have, and I always will.

18. The best love is the one that makes you a better person, without changing you into someone other than yourself.

19. To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. – David Viscott

20. Love is a journey, not a destination.

21. Love is not about possession, it’s about appreciation.

22. Love is not about how much you say “I love you,” but how much you prove it’s true.

23. You don’t marry someone you can live with, you marry someone you can’t live without.

24. Love is not just a feeling; it’s an action, a decision, and a commitment.

25. Love is like a butterfly, it goes where it pleases, and it pleases wherever it goes.

26. The best love is the one that makes you a better person, without changing you into someone other than yourself.

27. True love is not about finding someone who completes you, but finding someone who accepts you completely.

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WhatsApp About Lines on Friendship and Family

If family and friend is everything to you and wants to express your feeling to them then copy any link from below and paste it to your WhatsApp about.

Best Whatsapp About Lines on Emotion

1. Friends are like a sibling and is gifted by god from another mother.

2. Purposes without priority are powerless.

3. Best Feeling in the World: When your parents are smiling because of you.

4. The single right person will help you to Glow and Grow.

5. With the single right person, you can Glow & Grow each day.

6. Mirror and Family is the only thing that cries with you.

7. My happiness starts with my family.

8. Hey Siri! send some love & care to my family and friend.

9. Thank You! for always taking my side in my hard times.

Unique Whatsapp About Lines

Here are some beautiful WhatsApp about section lines that you might like:

1. “Life is short, but it’s also beautiful. Embrace every moment.”

2. “Let the beauty of what you love to be what you do.”

3. “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”

4. “The world is full of beautiful things, just like you.”

5. “Life is a journey, enjoy the ride.”

6. “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.”

7. “Find beauty in the small things.”

8. “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”

9. “Life is tough, my darling, but so are you.”

10 “You are the artist of your own life. Make it beautiful.”

WhatsApp About Lines on Motivation

The best and unique WhatsApp about lines on motivation is provided below, just copy the lines and paste it under WhatsApp about section. For more check out HeloDost.

Whatsapp About Lines on Motivation

1. Hopes have an expiry date, but dreams do not!

2. Always work on yourself for yourself.

3. Productivity does not define your worth.

4. Make yourself in a way that Money Works for You.

5. Just follow your passion and the money will automatically follow you.

6. Believe in your dream to make your future bright.

7. Life is just a journey with some validity, so enjoy it every day.

8. Negativity is the destruction that leads your life to end.

9. Never Expect, Just Accept.

10. Being alone is much more beautiful than being surrounded by fake people.

11. Kindness can heal any sorrow.

12. Kindness has healing power, sparkle it everywhere.

13. Being late means never.

14. Sometimes saying no is reasonable.

15. Do it now, sometimes later becomes never.

16. First, enjoy the moment then capture it.

17. Retire with 5 Million lot of memories.

18. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. – Steve Jobs

19. Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going. – Sam Levenson

20. Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. – Steve Jobs

21. Get Married before 30 when you are ready.

22. Find happiness in Luxury Ordinary.

23. It’s high time to believe that you are amazing.

24. Be kind to your unkind days.

25. Universal Truth: People never fake their depression but they fake being OK.

26. Maturity comes with some cost.

27. Maturity never comes with years but it comes with some damage.

28. Believe me: You are amazing.

30. Count Memories, Not Calories!

31. Memories pull us, while hope always pushes us.

32. You can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.

33. Save your energy, not everyone deserves this.

34. Even doctors have no solution for Overthinking.

35. Try harder, you can achieve your desire.

36. Always learn to accept, not to expect.

37. People come with the blessing but leave us with experience.

38. Maturity comes with damage, not by years.

39. Sometimes the truth comes with more pain, than a lie.

40. Hey Sun! please calm down na.

41. Even kindness has some hidden costs.

42. Yes! you are a hero but only in your story.

43. Sometimes, Karma is also cruel!

44. Uncertainty is an uncertain teacher, that teaches us to grow!

45. Action & Priority are proportionate.

46. Efforts and Interests are proportionate.

47. Hey, music! thanks for holding on to my side.

48. I always find my happiness in music.

49. Hey Google! please delete my past.

50. Hey Google! please reset my mind.

51. On the way to reboot my life!

52. You are Beautiful, Brilliant, and Brave that’s it.

53. Sometimes sleeping is the only therapy that you need.

54. Sometimes listening to music is the only therapy, that you need.

55. Let life surprise you!

56. One day you will live your life, once you had prayed for.

57. Always be proud of your past version, that is what makes you better today.

58. Life is too short, so don’t be the reason to reconnect with toxic people.

59. Hold your tears and release happiness.

60. Always be the reason for someone’s inspiration.

61. Never let your comfort zone holds you forever.

62. Master your mind otherwise, a single thought can ruin your day.

63. Stop DayDreaming, Start Working.

64. The better day is today not tomorrow.

65. The best time to start is “Now”.

66. You have always felt at home, A beautiful home.

67. I don’t want to survive, I want to live hence, I want you.

68. Let your hope, dominate your pain.

69. Never judge yourself each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.

70. If it is important then you will find a way. Otherwise, you’ll find an excuse.

71. Overthinking is the most unhealthy thing in the world, that kills your soul.

72. Be the person you are trying to find.

How to Write WhatsApp About Lines?

The WhatsApp about section can be simply updated with the steps given below.

  • Step 1: Open WhatsApp Application on your android device.
  • Step 2: Tap on the hamburger menu (3 Dots) placed on the right corner top side.
  • Step 3:Go to Setting.
  • Step 4: Tap on your Profile Picture.
  • Step 5: Click on About.
  • Step 6: Now select anyone Lines from the list or Copy anyone one line from the above post.
  • Step 7: Now, Paste the line into the About section and then click on Save.

Final Words

in this article, we have tried to write some best WhatsApp About Lines for different categories. Further, if you have any doubts, queries, or feedback related to this article then let us know by commenting down below.


Q: What to write in WhatsApp About Section?

Ans: You can write anything including text and emojis within a limit of 140 characters. That includes a short intro about yourself, and your persona, a short update about your day, or some motivational thought that can also be written under this section.

Q: What is a good status message?

Ans: Generally, writing a Motivational Thought is considered a good status message.